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Translation Agency of Alberta. Translation Agency of Alberta. Translation Agency of Alberta. Translation Agency of Alberta. Translation Agency of Alberta.

What Do We Do?

We provide audio transcription services: convert audio and video files into text.
We produce 100% human-generated transcripts.
Clients can choose between “clean verbatim” and “full verbatim” transcripts.

Clean Verbatim
(by default)

    The transcribed text does not include:
  • Speech errors.
  • False starts (unless they add information).
  • Filler words. Note that some of them can have a different function. 
    For example, in the phrase "Oh my God", "oh" is not a filler word, but a part of the expression, therefore it must be kept.
  • Slang words must be written as "going to" instead of "gonna", "want to" instead of "wanna", et cetera.
  • "Yeah", "yep", "yap", "yup" must be written as "yes"; "alright" must be written as "all right".
  • Never spell "Ok" or "OK". It must always be spelled as "Okay".
Note: we will omit all the "umm-hmm", "yeah", "yes" reactions to retain a fluent text, unless they are answers to given questions.

Full Verbatim
(on client’s request)

    The text is transcribed exactly as it sounds and includes all the utterances of the speakers. Those are:
  • Speech errors. "I went to the bank on Tu-Thursday."
  • False starts. "I, um, wanted- I wanted to be a musician."
  • Filler words such as "like", "you know", "yeah", "mm hmm", "uh huh", "umm", "uh, um", "sort of", "so", "oh" et cetera.
  • Slang words, such as gonna, wanna, gotta, kinda, 'cause, should be kept in the transcription. In addition, "you know", "I mean" should also be transcribed.
  • Stutters and repetitions.
  • Only use these forms for the affirmative/negative:

    — Mm-hmm (affirmative) or Mm-mm (negative)
    — Uh-huh (affirmative) or Uh-uh (negative)

Timestamping Types

Timestamping time format is: [00:00:00] (always in bold)

For example, if we do the 20-30 minutes part, time stamping should start at 20, not 00

Every time the speaker changes (by default)
or Every 2 minutes (on client’s request)

Major rules

    • If we cannot hear what word is being said, we mark that as inaudible or unintelligible and specify the time.
    • Use [inaudible 00:00:00] when it is impossible to hear what is being said due to interferences in the audio.
    • Use [unintelligible 00:00:00] when you cannot understand what is being said due to the speaker's manner of speech, accent, et cetera.
  1. In general, short and logical, grammatically correct sentences are preferred. When a speaker is using conjunctions like 'and', 'so', or 'but' to connect longer stretches of thought, it's often a good idea to create sentence divisions in those places. Also, don't forget to cut out the conjunctions in those places when they're not necessary.
  2. Longer speeches are separated into smaller paragraphs.
  3. We do not correct errors made by the speakers. We use [sic] instead. For example: "All of my childrens [sic] are in school".
  4. Everything with a time-stamp, (e.g. [unintelligible 00:04:24][inaudible 00:02:24]) should be bolded.
    • Speaker labels
    • If there is more than one speaker, their names (if they are provided by the client) at used. If not – we mark them as "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" and so on.
    • If we cannot identify who exactly is speaking, add a question mark before the speaker label. For example, ?Speaker 2, ?Interviewee 3.
    • Speaker labels are written in bold, followed by a colon and a space. Never use the Tab button, only one click of the Space button.
    • EXAMPLE:
      Mark: Hello.

      Speaker 1: Some text.
      Speaker 2: Some more text.
    • We italicize film, book, magazine, song titles, as well as artworks, plays, TV and radio programs, foreign expressions et cetera. Example: I watched an episode of Seinfeld the other day.
      NOTE: There is no need to italicize social media sites, company names. If a speaker spells a word or a name, do this: My name is Anna. A-N-N-A.
    • Percentages should be written as "%"Example: 2%, 50%. But if the speaker says "A small percentage of the responders", never replace "percentage" by "%".
    • Always write links like this: Never write them like this: w w w dot facebook dot com slash client page.
    • Use international monetary symbols to mark currency (in most cases). Do this: $50, €155. Standard abbreviations (USD, EUR) are also acceptable.
    • DO NOT spell out amountsRight: $195. Wrong: a hundred and 95 dollars.
    • Proper nouns: Article III of the Constitution, Genesis 1:1.