Regular certified translation is the most popular and affordable type of translation. Accepted by Immigration, Refugees and Immigration Canada (IRCC), most provincial and federal institutions, schools and colleges, insurance companies, employers, etc.
More than 50 languages available.
ATIA - The Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta (translations valid across Canada).
This type of translation is only required by Ministry of Transportation/MPI (driver's licence), courts and a few official institutions in order to change the name after marriage, to obtain a certificate/licence (AINP, OINP, NDEB, PEO, CPA, PEBC, OMVIC, CPSO, OCT, NNAS etc).
ATIA translations are available for:
This type of translation is only required by some foreign official institutions, such as consulates (Mexican, Cuban, Russian, Spanish, etc.). It takes 2-4 days longer to process this type of orders.
More than 50 languages available.
Most business translations do not require any certifications at all. Certification doesn't actually reflect the quality of translation, it just means more paperwork. For a translation without certification, the client receives a file with the translation by email.
More than 50 languages available.